ONDEN利用規約 Terms and conditions / Privacy Policy

































  • 実在しない場合。
  • 複数の登録を行おうとした場合または行った場合。
  • 登録の際、虚偽、誤記または記入漏れをした場合。
  • 過去に甲により登録を取り消されている場合。
  • 乙が指定したクレジットカードが存在しないまたは利用停止中である場合。
  • 乙が過去に代金の支払いを怠っていた場合。
  • 乙が未成年、成年被後見人、被保佐人、被補助人の何れかであり、登録の際に保護者、法定後見人等の同意を得ていない場合。
  • 暴力団、暴力団関係企業、総会屋もしくはこれらに準ずる者またはその構成員の場合またはその虞がある場合。
  • 第4条に違反した場合。
  • その他、当サービスの利用者として不適当であると甲が判断する場合。


4項 アカウントは、乙が厳重に管理しなければなりません。甲は、ログイン時に入力されたログイン情報と登録されたものとの一致をもって当サービスの利用が乙本人によるものであるとみなすことができます。


5項 乙は、アカウントを第三者に使用させてはなりません。また、第三者への譲渡、貸与等も行ってはなりません。

6項 乙は、アカウントを失念した場合または第三者に不正に使用されている疑いがある場合、甲に対して、速やかに連絡を行い、指示等に従わなければなりません。なお、乙は、同連絡等を遅滞したことにより生じるすべての損害等を賠償する義務を負うものとします。











  • 乙は、当サービスの利用に際して、以下に定める行為を行ってはなりません。
    • 乙が当サービスを利用する権利又はアカウントを他者に譲渡、使用、売買、名義変更、質権の設定、担保に供すること。
    • 甲の名誉、信用、著作権、特許権、実用新案権、意匠権、商標権、肖像権、プライバシーを侵害すること。
    • 違法行為、公序良俗に反する行為。
    • 当サービスの運用を妨げる行為。
    • 当サービスを営業行為、営利目的およびその準備に利用する行為。
    • 当サービスの他の利用者・講師らに違法行為を勧誘または助長する行為。
    • 当サービスの他の利用者・講師らが経済的・精神的損害、不利益を被る行為。
    • 犯罪行為および犯罪行為に結びつく行為。
    • 講師らへの嫌がらせや、不良行為などレッスンおよびチャットの進行を妨げる等のハラスメント行為。
    • 講師らの雇用条件やコールセンターの場所、インターネット回線など甲の一般的に開示していない機密情報を詮索する行為。
    • 講師らに対して宗教、政治結社、マルチ商法等の勧誘をする行為。
    • 電子メールの送受信を含め、オンライン、オフラインを問わず、乙本人またはその代理人が講師らと個人的に接触しようとする行為。
    • 講師らに甲の競合たりうるサービス・企業での勤務を勧誘する行為。
    • 甲のカスタマーサポートスタッフおよび第11条規定のカウンセリング担当者(以下、「カウンセラー」という)への暴言・脅迫行為、またはカスタマーサポート業務の進行を妨げる行為。
    • 一つのアカウントを複数のユーザーで利用する行為。
    • 複数のアカウントを登録する行為。
    • その他、甲が不適当と判断する行為。


2項 乙は、前項に違反する行為に起因して甲または第三者に損害が生じた場合、当サービスからのアカウント削除(第18条に定めるものとし、以下同様とします)後であっても、すべての法的責任を負うものとし、いかなる場合も甲を免責するものとします。ただし、甲の責による場合は、この限りではありません。




1項 甲は、乙が下記のいずれかに該当した場合、乙に対して、休会またはアカウントの削除の処分を行うことができます。

    • 乙が第4条に定める禁止行為を行った場合。
    • 乙が当利用規約の各規定に違反した場合。
    • 乙が利用料金の支払を遅滞または怠った場合。
    • 乙が当サービスの利用に際し、甲からの重大な指示等に従わなかった場合。
    • その他の事由で甲が乙による当サービスの利用を不適切と判断した場合。


    • 2項 乙は、前項に違反する行為に起因して甲または第三者に損害が生じた場合、当サービスからのアカウント削除後であっても、すべての法的責任を負うものとし、いかなる場合も甲を免責するものとします。ただし、甲の責による場合は、この限りではありません。



  • 1項
  • 甲は、当サービスに関する重要な情報を送信する場合、乙が甲からの電子メールでの通知等の受信をすべて拒否する設定をした場合でも、電子メールの送信ができるものとします。
  • 2項
  • 電子メールによって行われる通知は、乙の登録情報に記載された電子メールアドレス(以下、「指定メールアドレス」という)宛への発信をもって完了したものとみなします。
  • 3項
  • 乙は、指定メールアドレスに関する各種設定等を変更し、甲(ドメイン名:〇〇)からの電子メールの受信を許可しなければなりません。
  • 4項
  • 甲は、指定メールアドレスに不備、誤記があったことまたは乙が受信設定の変更を怠ったことに起因して甲からの電子メールが乙の元に届かなかった場合、同不到達に対して、一切責任を負わないものとします。なお、乙は、同不到達に起因して生じるすべての損害等を賠償する義務を負うものとし、いかなる場合も甲を免責するものとします。



  • 1項
  • 乙は、甲が別途定める推奨環境にて当サービスを利用するものとします。
  • 2項
  • 乙は、第2条1項に定めるアカウントの登録後、甲の電子メールによる承諾の通知をもって当サービスを利用することができるものとします。
  • 3項
  • 乙は、アカウントの登録完了後、第16条に定める利用料金の初回の支払いが甲により甲のシステム上で確認された日(以下、「利用開始日」という)から当サービスの利用を開始できるものとします。
  • 4項
  • 前項に係らず、丙の利用開始日は法人契約において定められた日とし、当該利用開始日から当サービスの利用を開始できるものとします。ただし、第8条の無料体験レッスンについては、この限りではありません。



  • 1項
  • 乙は、アカウントの登録後、当サービスへの登録が完了した日より、登録会員として甲が定める回数分のトライアルレッスンを受講することができます。
  • 2項
  • 乙は、トライアルレッスン受講中も、当利用規約を遵守する義務を負います。
  • 3項
  • トライアルレッスンは、前条に定める利用開始日の開始と同時に消滅するものとします。第1項に定める回数に残りがあった場合でも、甲は乙に対し返金等の補填は行わないものとします。



  • 1項
  • 料金プランとは、甲が別途定める「パック」を指します。乙が選択できるパックは、甲が別途料金プランページにて定めるものとします。
  • 3項
  • 前項に定めるパックは、パック数により有効期限がことなり、その期限内に利用するものとします。
  • 4項
  • 有効期限内に利用しなかったコインは利用したものとなり消滅しますのでご注意ください。




  • 1項
  • レッスンは、1レッスンを8分間とします。なお、レッスンの時間は、特段の定めがない限りいかなる場合も中断されないものとします。
  • 2項
  • 乙が講師からのコールに応答しなかった場合、レッスン時間8分のタイマーがスタートします。乙が準備が出来次第、講師にコールリクエストを送信すると、8分間待機している講師から再度コールがかかります。8分が終了した場合はレッスン完了となりコインが消費されます。準備ができていない・コールに応答できなかった・休み設定ができていなかった等乙の落ち度によりレッスンが遂行されなかった場合も実施となりコインは乙から講師に渡ります。
  • 3項
  • 乙は、予約済みのレッスンのキャンセルは出来ません。ご自分のスケジュールに合わせたご予約をお取りください。
  • 4項
  • 乙は、初回登録と、次週のレッスン予約として、一週間ごとに時間と講師を変更することが可能です。なお、変更の手続きは、甲が定める手段にて行われるものとします。
  • 5項
  • 甲は、乙がレッスンへの無断欠席を繰り返し行った場合、乙に対して、警告、改善指示等を行うことができるものとします。なお、同指示等に従わない場合、甲は、乙に対して、第5条の処分等を行うことができるものとします。
  • 6項
  • 甲は、乙が第4条に定める禁止行為を行ったことが、レッスン中に判明した場合、即時にレッスンを中断できるものとします。
  • 7項

  • 乙がビデオコールをリクエストした場合、乙と講師のカメラとマイクを許可を得た上で利用します。

  • 8項




  • 1項
  • 乙は、レッスンの受講日時および担当講師を当該レッスンの開始日時の1日前までに予約しなければなりません。
  • 2項
  • 乙は、前項の予約をコイン所有回数まで自動で予約となります。
  • 3項
  • 乙がレッスン予約を変更したい場合は一週間単位で、開始1日前までに変更を行なってください。
  • 4項
  • 前項の予約は、当アプリ上の乙の予約状況に、当該予約が反映された時点で成立するものとします。
  • 5項
  • 講師はレッスン開始1時間前までにレッスンの時間変更または、録音によるレッスン実施(以下「録音レッスン」)のリクエスト(以下「講師によるレッスン変更リクエスト」)を、乙に送信することができます。
  • 6項
  • 乙は講師によるレッスン変更リクエストに、1)変更希望レッスン実施1分前までに、変更した時間のレッスンに応じるか、2)録音レッスンに応じ録音を送信するか、3)または、このレッスンをキャンセルするか選ぶことが可能です。
  • 7項
  • 講師のレッスン時間変更に応じた場合は、変更時間にレッスンを行い、通常通りコインが生徒から講師に渡ります。
  • 8項
  • 録音レッスンに応じた場合、その場で録音を送信することになります。録音を送信した際にコインは生徒から講師に渡り、その日のレッスンは終了となります。
  • 9項
  • 変更時間は講師の希望により設定されるため、乙の希望を聞くことは出来ません。不可能な時間の場合は録音レッスンに応じることをお勧め致します。


  • 10項
  • 講師の録音レッスンのリクエストから生じた変更に伴いレッスンをキャンセルした場合は生徒のコインは消費されず、講師にコインは渡りません。
  • 11項
  • 変更希望時間になっても生徒からの応答がない場合はレッスンは自動的にキャンセルとなり、コインは生徒の元に残ります。
  • 12項
  • 乙は既に予約したレッスンをキャンセルすることは出来ませんが、乙から希望日のレッスンを録音レッスンに切り替えることが可能です。予約レッスン開始24時間以内(例:朝8時レッスン予約の場合、次の日の朝7:59まで)に録音レッスンを選択することが可能です。その際はコインは通常レッスン同様、生徒から講師に渡ります。




  • 1項
  • 乙は、レッスンコインをパックで購入することで、コイン数と同等のレッスンを有効期限内で受講することができるものとします。
  • 2
  • 3
    • 甲または講師の責により、レッスン時間が半分以上削減された場合
    • 講師が、レッスンを行えず、乙が前もって「休み(キャンセル)」を選択した場合
    • レッスンルームの不具合等によりレッスンが受講できなかった場合
    •   甲のシステムトラブルにより受講が不可能な場合


  • 4項
    • 講師の通信障害であることを、甲が確認できなかった場合
    • 乙が、レッスンに遅刻、早退した場合
    • 乙が、前条に定める方法で予約したレッスンのキャンセルを忘れた場合
    • 乙が、レッスンを休み24時間以内に録音を送らなかった場合
    • 乙が、レッスンを休み24時間以内に録音を送った場合
    • 乙が、甲に対して虚偽の申告をするなど、不当な手段でレッスンコインを取得していた場合
    • その他、乙の責により、レッスンの全部又は一部を受講できなかった場合(使用機器やネット環境など含む)
  • 5項
  • レッスンコインの有効期限はパックにより異なります。有効期限内にレッスンの予約を行わない限り、失効するものとします。また、乙が有効期限内にレッスンコインを全て使えなかった場合においても、甲はレッスンコインの買取および返金は行わないものとします。
  • 6項
  • レッスンコインで予約したレッスンが、甲または講師の責で行われなかった場合、当該レッスンコインの有効期限は、購入時のパックの有効期限とします。
  • 7項
  • レッスンコインは、当該レッスンコインを付与・購入したアカウントが権利を有するものとし、甲および第三者に対して譲渡、売買、権利の移転等は、できないものとします。
  • 8項
  • 乙が、アカウント削除した場合については、アカウント削除時点で、レッスンコインは失効するものとします。




  • 1項
  • 乙は、甲に対して、当サービスの利用料金をクレジットカード・アップルペイ・またはグーグルペイにて支払わなければなりません。ただし、丙は法人契約の規定に則るものとし、丙は料金および支払い方法等について、法人に確認するものとします。
  • 2項
  • 全ての支払いは、残りのコインが6個以下になったときに補充購入のお知らせがレッスン後毎ありますので、その際に、その都度希望にあったパックを選び購入をすることとします。
  • 3項
  • 乙が利用開始日を起算日として14日以内に、甲が定める方法にてアカウント削除の手続きを行い、且つ、甲に対して返金依頼の意思表示を行った場合、甲は乙に対して、乙が支払った利用金額から返金手数料1,000円を差し引いた金額を返金するものとします。ただし、一つでもコインの利用があった場合はそのパックの返金は行いません。




  • 1項
  • 当サービスの利用可能期間は、利用開始日の日付(例:利用開始日が1月15日であれば毎月15日)を起算日としてパックよる有効期限期間を単位(以下、「利用期間」という)とします。ただし、丙は法人契約の規定に則るものとします。
  • 2項
  • 利用可能期間は、理由の如何を問わず、中断されないものとします。
  • 3項
  • レッスンコインの利用期間は各パック購入日から起算し、各パックの利用期限内までとします。




  • 1項
  • アカウント削除とは、前条に定める休会を行った乙または丙が、甲との契約を終了させ、第2条に基づき登録したアカウントを削除することをいいます。乙は、利用月の終了をもってアカウント削除され、会員資格を喪失するものとします。
  • 2項
  • 乙は、当アプリ上の「アカウント削除申請」からアカウント削除手続きを行えるものとします。なお、甲がアカウント削除申請を確認し、手続きを完了した旨を電子メール等で送信した時点でアカウント削除手続きの完了とします。
  • 3項
  • 前項に係らず、法人契約に特段の定めがある丙等、甲が別途定める場合に該当する場合、乙および丙は、当ウェブ上でのアカウント削除の手続きは行えないものとします。
  • 4項
  • 乙のアカウントのうち、英会話レベルや直近の試験成績等は、乙からの特段の申し出がない限り、アカウント削除手続き完了後、乙個人を特定できない形に加工したうえで、当サービスの品質向上等のために、利用する場合があります。
  • 5項
  • 乙は、アカウント削除手続きが完了した場合、会員資格を喪失した時点をもって当サービスの一切の権利を失うものとし、甲に対していかなる請求を行うことができないものとします。
  • 6項
  • 乙は、自身の行為等に起因して甲または第三者に損害が生じた場合、会員資格を喪失した後であっても、すべての法的責任を負うものとし、いかなる場合も甲を免責するものとします。



  • 1項
  • 甲は、乙のアカウントを当サービスの提供の目的にのみ使用するものとします。
  • 2
    • 法令等に基づき開示を求められた場合。
    • 公的機関より開示を求められた場合。
    • 当サービスの提供を目的とし、当サービスの一部を第三者に委託(再委託を含む)する場合。
  • 3項
  • 甲は、乙のアカウントのうち、「個人情報」に該当する情報について、プライバシーポリシーに則り取り扱うものとします。



  • 1項
  • 甲は、事前に当ウェブ上での掲示または乙への電子メールの送信により通知をすることで当サービスを変更、中断または終了できるものとします。また、アプリケーションの障害、国内外の政治情勢・自然災害等、提供するサーバー等の障害またはその他やむを得ない事由により当サービスの提供が困難な場合、予告なしに当サービスを中断することができるものとします。




  • 1項
  • 甲は、乙が当利用規約に違反した場合、乙に対して、同違反行為により生じた直接または間接的な損害または損失の賠償を請求できるものとします。
  • 2項
  • 乙による当サービスの不備・瑕疵等に基づく甲に対する損害賠償の限度額は、いかなる場合も、当該損害が発生した月に乙が甲に対して支払った利用料金の額を上限とします。ただし、当サービスの不備・瑕疵等が甲の故意又は重過失による場合は、この限りではありません。



  • 1項
  • 当サービスに関する商標、ロゴマーク、記載、コンテンツ等についての著作権、所有権は、全て甲に帰属します。乙は、甲の事前の明示の承諾なく同商標等を使用すること、雑誌、他のサイト上へ転載すること、改変すること、複製すること等の当サービス利用の目的を超えた行為を行ってはなりません。
  • 2項
  • 甲は、乙が前項に違反した場合、乙に対して、著作権法、商標法等に基づく各処置(警告、告訴、損害賠償請求、差止請求、名誉回復措置等請求)を行うことができるものとします。



  • 乙は、下記の各条項に定める事項に起因または関連して生じた一切の損害について、甲がいかなる賠償責任も負わないことに予め同意します。
    • 当サービスの利用に際し、以下のような事由により、満足な利用ができなかった場合(以下の状況を含みますが、これらに限定されません)
      • 急激なユーザー数の増加、または第21条2項に定める事由により、提供レッスン数が不足したことに起因する場合。乙が希望する特定の講師のレッスンが予約できなかった場合。
      • 乙が希望する特定の時間帯に当サービスが予約または利用できなかった場合。
      • 講師各国での停電等の不可抗力によりレッスンを中止せざるを得なかった場合。
      • 乙のメッセージやデータへの不正アクセスや不正な改変、その他第三者による行為に起因する場合。
    • 当サービスの学習効果や有効性、正確性、真実性等。
    • 当サービスに関連して甲が紹介・推奨する他社のサービスや教材等の効果や有効性ならびに安全性や正確性等。
    • 甲の提携先企業が提供するサービスの不具合、トラブル等により当サービスが利用できなかった場合。
    • 乙がレッスンまたはカウンセリングを通じて、自己責任で受信した、または、開いたファイル等が原因となりウィルス感染などの損害が発生した場合。
    • 乙の過失によるパスワード等の紛失または使用不能により当サービスが利用できなかった場合。
    • 当ウェブで提供するすべての情報、リンク先等の完全性、正確性、最新性、安全性等。
    • 当ウェブから、または当ウェブへリンクしている甲以外の第三者が運営するウェブサイトの内容やその利用等。
    • 当ウェブで掲示したキャンペーンが予告なく中断・終了した場合。



  • 当サービスにおいて、利用開始日、利用月の開始日、各種料金支払の期日、各種申請等の締切日等の日時は、全て日本時間(GMT+9:00)によるものとします。



    • 当社は以下の場合に、当社の裁量により、利用規約を変更することができます。
      • 利用規約の変更が、ユーザーの一般の利益に適合するとき。
      • 利用規約の変更が、契約をした目的に反せず、かつ、変更の必要性、変更後の内容の相当性、変更の内容その他の変更に係る事情に照らして合理的なものであるとき。
    • 当社は前項による利用規約の変更にあたり、変更後の利用規約の効力発生日の1か月前までに、利用規約を変更する旨及び変更後の利用規約の内容とその効力発生日を当社ウェブサイトに掲示し、またはユーザーに電子メールで通知します。
    • 変更後の利用規約の効力発生日以降にユーザーが本サービスを利用したときは、ユーザーは、利用規約の変更に同意したものとみなします。



  • 当利用規約は、日本国法に準拠して解釈されるものとします。また、甲および乙は、当サービスまたは当利用規約に起因もしくは関連して甲と乙の間で生じた紛争の解決について、山口地方裁判所を第一審専属管轄裁判所とすることに予め合意するものとします。

ONDEN User Service Agreement

Welcome to ONDEN!

Please read the following agreement carefully in order to protect and guarantee your rights.

After completing the registration process, you become a member and thereby agree to the rights and obligations stipulated in the User Service Agreement. In addition to the terms stipulated in this page, this User Service Agreement (hereafter referred to as Service Agreement) also includes any further terms stipulated in announcements made by the company. For any information disclosed on company-owned application, websites or websites of companies authorized to represent this company as well as written information involving such matters as membership regulations, terms of use, and operations management, as well as consumer rights, this company reserves the right to update, modify, and supplement the Service Agreement on an unscheduled basis.

Basic Terms of Agreement

Scope of ONDEN Services

The main purpose of this company’s operating of the ONDEN application (hereafter referred to as this app) is to provide a teacher-student matching service platform. The purpose of this online service is to provide student members who wish to build a habit of practicing learning process with a search, filter, and chat function on this platform that allows them to find the most suitable instructor according to their own expectations, thereby attaining the goal of practicing daily included in this Service Agreement. The services of this company include:

Teacher-student matching service

The information related to teacher evaluations, records, and other information relevant to the teaching profession that is disclosed on this app assists student members in searching, filtering, and finding the most suitable instructor according to the students member’s own specific learning needs, as well as provides teacher members with a one-on-one teaching network connection service.

Teacher evaluation service

In order to maintain a certain level of instruction quality of the teacher members as well as assist student members in their selection of instructors, this app offers student members a teacher member evaluation mechanism. Teacher member information pages are updated on a regular basis.

Fee collection service

After student members select their teacher members, they need to select a method of course fee payment. The course fee is collected by this app. After deducting service charges, financial rewards will be transferred to the personal accounts provided by the teacher members or through another payment method specified by the teacher member.


Extent and Limitations of Responsibility

This app is a matching service for student members and teacher members and has the purpose of acting as an intermediary service that assists both sides in reaching lesson agreements while also receiving payment for the use of this website and the course fee that students are obliged to pay according to the lesson agreement on behalf of the teacher members as personally authorized by each teacher member. This company, in addition to maintaining the integrity of this app's search and evaluation features as well as safeguarding the quality of instant messaging and collection services, shall also assume responsibility for the following items:

With regard to the registration of student or teacher members, the authenticity and accuracy of the basic information provided and compliance with any relevant laws or regulations

With regard to the information pages of the teacher members, the information related to teaching experience, work record, teaching performance, and the description and guarantee of anything related to teaching quality and content, as well as compliance with any relevant laws or regulations

The instruction contents and methods of the teacher members, the actual instruction time of the teacher members, use of materials, the quality of these, and the contents, as well as compliance with any relevant laws or regulations

Anything published on this app due to operational considerations or by third parties not belonging to this company, advertisements, or any other online information and its authenticity, security, and accuracy, as well as compliance with any relevant laws or regulations


Termination of the Service Agreement

Either teacher or student members may at any time terminate the Service Agreement for use of this website. But if both parties have reached a lesson agreement prior to termination, the following still applies:

This company still has to fulfill the obligation to assist members in fulfilling the lesson agreement that was already established prior to termination

If either a student member, a teacher member, or both parties have already established a lesson agreement prior to their termination of the Service Agreement with this company company’s termination of the Service Agreement, they must still fulfill their obligations as set in the lesson agreement

As agreed upon within this Service Agreement, this company shall still collect the due service charges from the teacher member for their use of this platform

The time of the lesson agreement coming into effect is after the student member has selected the teacher member and the course program as well as completed payment of the course fee. For the fulfillment of a lesson agreement that had been established prior to termination of the Service Agreement, this company may, depending on specific circumstances and within a certain period after termination, allow use of certain features of this app for members who have already terminated their Service Agreement as well as preserve log-in information and other information posted to the website by the member. This company has the right to keep any evaluation records made by a student member prior to termination of services. Basic terms and specifications related to refund dispute settlements will not become void due to termination of this agreement.


Liability and Upper Limit for Damages

If an incident causing actual harm to members can be attributed to this company, this company shall be held liable for the damages suffered by the teacher or student members and provide compensation in the amount of the total fee accrued for the courses completed in the last lesson agreement before the incidence. This does not include expected benefits that result after completion of the lesson agreement.


Authorization and Use of Personal Data

The completion of the membership registration process will be regarded as authorization for this company to use personal information as necessary for the scope of this company’s operations. This company shall adopt appropriate security measures to prevent personal data from being stolen, tampered with, damaged, lost, or disclosed, except with the written consent of members or when members take the initiative to disclose contact information to other members after establishing a lesson agreement. This company shall abide by confidentiality obligations towards third parties outside of this Agreement.

In accordance with the regulations in the Personal Data Protection Act, users are informed of the following items:


We are accessing cameras of the students and the teachers when they want the video calls.


When the student misses a session a voice recording will be generated and will be sent to the teacher. To do this recording, the record audio permission needs to be provided from the student.

Voice recording is accepted by students and teachers for the purpose of chat communication.


Purpose of personal data collection

The purpose of data collection: marketing services, consumers, customer management and service, information (communication) and database management, and online shopping, and other e-commerce services; surveys, statistics and analysis or business, and other business registration clauses or articles of association (regulation item numbers are 40, 90, 136, 148, 157, and 181).


Categories of personal data collection

Personal data collected by this service include:

  1. C001 identification of individuals, such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail, and other information.
  2. C002 identification of financial identities, such as credit cards or financial institution accounts, and other information.
  3. C011 personal description, such as country they live in, date of birth, etc.
  4. C102 agreement or contract, such as transactions, business, legal, or other contracts, etc.

Duration of use, area, subjects, and method.

Duration: from the user’s consent to becoming a member until the user or this company terminates this user’s terms of service.

Area: Japan and areas where services are provided.


Subjects and Methods

The personal data of members that is collected by this company, apart from being used by the company for member management, customer management, also includes identity recognition, payment services, marketing, etc.

Through membership profile registration personal data is acquired. Based on this company’s contractual obligations, it needs to provide relevant information to its authorized partners or outsourcing vendors.

The use of personal data includes automated or non-automated processing methods under specified collection and use purposes.


Member rights regarding personal data

Members have, under the Personal Data Protection Act, the right to approach the company in writing for the purpose of:

  1. Searching for or requesting review.
  2. Making copies.
  3. Supplementing or correcting.
  4. Requesting to stop collecting, processing, or using.
  5. Requesting removal.

Users have the freedom to choose whether or not to authorize such use of personal information. But if users do not authorize such use, this company is unable to provide related service contents and items.


Ownership and Protection of Intellectual Property Right

Upon completion of the registration process, members are deemed to have authorized this company to use, copy, reproduce, revise, publicly transmit, and publicly broadcast, etc., and given all rights under copyright law, of any personal information posted by on this website, or all text or audio and visual data of actual teaching, personal profile, and teacher evaluations transmitted online through this website. In addition to this mandate, apart from this app, this also includes other websites that are authorized to represent this company. Except when there is expressed written consent, this company will not make said data available to other third parties.

If there are intellectual property infringements that result in the suffering of damages to this company due to anything posted by members on this website or through any text and audio-visual material transmitted, or caused by teaching aids and material used during actual online teaching, the members shall be held liable.


Regarding the Handling of Disputes and Ambiguity

If there are any uncertainties regarding any items described in this agreement, please contact our customer service center in written form. This company has the right to refuse to reply to any ambiguities that are not brought to light in aforesaid procedure.

Regarding disputes resulting from this agreement, ROC law shall prevail. If there are rights and obligations disputes between this company and members that result from the use of this website, the member shall notify this company with a request for resolvement so as to initiate negotiations. If these negotiations fail, this company or the member shall file for arbitration, for which ROC law shall prevail for its basis, procedures, effect.


Membership Rules

Definition and General Qualification of Membership

Upon completion of this app’s registration process, student members are those members who search, filter, find, and evaluate teacher member on this app so as to reach a lesson agreement and provide feedback. Teacher members are those members who make use of the ability to disclose information on this app and who publish their expertise, experience, and videos, etc. as well as other teaching related information so as to persuade student members to reach a lesson agreement with them.

Membership qualification is limited to natural and legal persons.


Mutual Obligations of Members

Anyone who has membership status or has become a teacher member or student member by completing the registration process shall comply with the following provisions:

  1. Members shall ensure that the personal data of their registered account is authentic and complete, and they shall abide by this company’s request for timely updates.
  2. Members shall periodically review update announcements regarding service processes and website policy of this company. If a member does not log in for six months, this company may terminate the user agreement for this member and delete the member’s registration information.
  3. Any notifications to members sent by the website should be read as soon as possible. If security notifications are sent regarding an account being used by a different person or other people tampering with information, etc., the member should cooperate with this company to resolve such problems.
  4. Membership accounts provided by this company are only for personal use. Members are not allowed to simultaneously register or use two or more accounts, or provide an account to a third party for compensation or without compensation.
  5. Members shall maintain the features and operation of the evaluation system and not use robot accounts or other technological methods that affect a specific teacher member’s evaluation, or influence other people’s free evaluation through exchange of benefits, intimidation, or other methods.
  6. Members shall maintain this website’s features and operations and shall not use robot accounts or other technological methods to alter, delete, or destroy this website’s information or equipment, nor shall they adversely influence the operation of this website.
  7. Members shall not, without the consent of others, alter, delete, or collect personal data of others through a leak in this website’s design, or by bypassing or disrupting this website’s security, etc.
  8. Members shall not use harmful remarks or behavior towards others.
  9. Members shall not, without the written consent of this company, engage in promotional activities for themselves or others on this website for the purpose of financial or non-financial benefits.
  10. Members shall comply with this Service Agreement through the principle of honesty and shall comply with local law. They may not engage in behavior that is detrimental to this company, other people, or third parties.


Special Qualifications for Teacher Members

In addition to meeting the general qualifications for membership, teacher members need to pass the interview to be entitled to be a teacher.

This company shall review any information the teacher member has provided and has the right to judge this teacher on competence. In case of doubt regarding the authenticity of the information or when the information is incomplete, this company may request the teacher member to provide additional information.


Obligations of the Teacher Members

In addition to the common obligations, teacher members shall agree to the following specifications:


  1. Teachers assure that they shall review the authenticity, accuracy, and legitimacy of the special qualification information provided. If the company suffers damages due to a breach of these obligations, the teacher member shall be held liable.


If the above mentioned teacher member’s qualifications can be verified, this company still reserves the right to remove the teacher’s curriculum from the platform and cancel the teacher’s membership qualifications at any time. However, teachers are still entitled to the course fee that has already been paid for the completion of any lesson agreements prior to being removed from the platform. For courses that have not yet been finished, the company and student members will start a negotiation process for another course which will be considered a priority case to assist in finding a replacement teacher member providing similar courses.


Collection Process of Service Charge and Course Fee

The method of fee collection for teacher members is stipulated on the payment page and is based on the numbers of coins they have.

1 coin is equivalent to ¥50. Teacher members can withdraw and receive the payment in their registered PayPal accounts when they choose to "withdraw" the coins. It may take few days to process. And the amount will be deducted with PayPal service charge.


Experienced teachers may get additional bonus payment. Each teacher is asked to contact us by email ( info@englishschooledu.com ) to request a raise. The company has the right not to reply all the requests and note that the requests can be denied by the company.


Effects of Breach of Obligations

For members who breach the rules or the basic terms, unless otherwise specified, this company may, depending on specific circumstances, first advance a warning and a deadline for correction or without warning terminate the Service Agreement.

The specifications of the effects of such a termination of the Service Agreement are stipulated in “Termination of the Service Agreement.”


Refund of Dispute Resolution Procedures

Principles of Dispute Settlements

This company provides teacher-student matching services in order for student members and teacher members to reach a lesson agreement. Given the nature of this intermediary position, this company, in principle, does not involve itself with all the disputes between student members and teacher members that result from their lesson agreements.


The Proposed Conflict Settlement

If there is refund dispute resulting from any lesson agreement, with the exception of written requests by student members or teacher members, it will be dealt with according to company conflict resolution procedures. Requests need to be advanced within 15 days after the dispute occurred. Non-compliant requests or requests that are not within the said deadline may be refused by this company.

After this company receives a request by one of the parties, it shall notify the other party of the teaching agreement as soon as possible.


Deliberation on the Dispute Settlement

Evidence for factual judgement of the dispute settlement needs to be provided by both parties on their own accord. Deliberation on the dispute settlement, in principle, will be in writing. This company may, depending on specific circumstances, invite both parties of the lesson agreement to make statements at a specified location.


Dispute Settlement Process

After this company has made a comprehensive study of all the evidence, it must decide whether or not the lesson agreement shall continue to be in effect. If one party has just reason to terminate the lesson agreement, this company shall, depending on specific circumstances, change relevant information on this website or refund student members who have already paid. If the facts are not clear, and there is absence of grounds of justification, this company may, depending on specific circumstances, proceed with student member refunds and separately negotiate a method of compensation with the teacher members.

The abovementioned extent of refunding and its processing method apply mutatis mutandis to this section’s “Principles of Dispute Settlements.”








Terms and Conditions : Terms of Service


By using our services, you are agreeing that there is a contract between you and ONDEN, which sets out the terms and conditions on which our business operates. Please review these Terms of

Service before using our services.

This agreement is a contract for the use of our services, which includes the website, software and mobile app. By

browsing our website or registering with our Services, you agree with and accept these Terms of Service as set out

below, as well as the terms of our privacy policy:

You agree that any use by you of our services shall constitute and legally bind you as 'your acceptance of the Terms

of service and we recommend that you store this document and our privacy policy for your own records. If you are

acting on behalf of a company or third-party, the same rules will apply and you accept and agree to our Terms of

Service and privacy policy.

User's Agreement for Our Services:


1 About Us : ODDEN is located in Japan, Yamagushi-ken Shimonoseki-shi Toyota-chou Takamaya 378


2 Purpose : Our purpose is to provide you with an application that enables you to practice everyday with joy, connecting with people around the world. As for the teachers, our purpose is to provide you with the job opportunities around the world.


3 Acceptable Use : You agree not to access without authority, interfere with, damage or disrupt any part of our services or any network or equipment used in the provision of our services.


4 User Accounts : 


To use the services, you must register and maintain an active user account. Account registration will require you to submit certain information.


  • Users who are under the age of 18 must have the content from their guardians to have access to our services.
  • You may not authorize a third-party to access your account. You cannot assign or transfer your account to a third-party.
  • You are personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account, password and associated information. We will never ask you for your password by phone, email or written
  • Communication:  We reserve the right to verify your identity and / or any information provided by you.
  • The use of our services result in payment and is governed by our payment mechanism.
  • By using our services, you agree to comply with our payment structure and methods.


5 Data Protection : We collect certain data about you as a result of you using our services. This is described in further detail in our privacy policy.


6 Limitations on Use of our Services : Your use of our Services is subject to all applicable laws and regulations and before using our services you agree to the following limitations below:


  • You must be over 18 years old to use the services.
  • The software, source code, logos, images, contents, and data are copyrighted by Seers. You shall not copy or reproduce the software or furnish or otherwise disclose such software to any third-parties. You shall not attempt to:
    • Copy, modify, duplicate, create derivative works from, frame, mirror, republish, download, display, transmit or distribute any portion of the software in any form or media or by any means; or
    • De-compile, reverse compile, disassemble, reverse-engineer, or otherwise reduce to human-perceivable form all or any part of the software.
  • You cannot redistribute our software or modifications of it, or use our APIs other than through services implemented by ONDEN.
  • We are not liable for the protection of your devices and any illicit activities that may result from a stolen or breached device (smartphones, tablets, computers, smartwatches, etc).
  • Violating these Terms of Service may result in Services not being provided, your user account is terminated or if in violation of the law, you being held accountable.
  • We can suspend or temporarily interrupt the available services as normal events.


7 Third Parties


We use third-party service providers to implement and improve our products, as further detailed in our privacy policy. By using our services, you consent to our use of these third-party service providers and agree to their respective policies with regards to privacy.

We are careful with which third-parties we rely on to provide our services and take security and data privacy seriously. However, we are not liable for the failure of third parties to protect your data.

ONDEN take no responsibility for the services and advice provided by third-parties. It must be governed by a contract between you and a third-party. ONDEN is not liable for any damage, loss of profit, reputation arising out of services or advice provided to you by third-parties.

The use of third-party services does not establish ONDEN as a provider of these services.

When using our services, you agree to comply with applicable laws when using the services.


8 Modification or Termination of our services


We will be improving our services constantly, and as such may add or remove features or parts of the application. We further retain the right to suspend or delete user accounts or refuse any or all of our services to specific individuals or parties, provided there is a good reason for doing so. We further retain the right to suspend or terminate any or all of our services.


9 Key Payments and Service Information


Payments for the subscription to the services offered by ONDEN, will be made when you choose the package and the payment method. Information on the packages we offer can be found on the pricing page.


All the payments are processed by the 〇〇, for further information check out their terms and conditions.


10 Intellectual Property


By accepting these Terms of Service and using our application, you acknowledge and agree that all content presented to you on our site is protected by copyright, trademark, services or other proprietary rights and laws.

All content, data, and information provided through ONDEN are owned by ONDEN, or where applicable our licensors.

“ONDEN” is a registered trademark. You are not permitted to use it without our approval, unless with our express consent.


11 Service Information


  • You use our services at your own risk.
  • We try to ensure that content delivered through our services is accurate and of high quality. However, we are not liable for information that is inaccurate or incomplete. If you do notice inaccurate or incomplete data, you can let us know at info@englishschooledu.com so that we can improve our content.
  • By using our services, you agree to electronic communications, storage of some of your personal information, and notifications (phone call, SMS and emails) for important updates to our privacy policy, Terms of Service or other important company or product updates.
  • By accepting these Terms and Conditions you are giving us explicit consent to send offers to you.
  • When a Data Protection Expert provides information through our services, they retain the right to update that information.


12 ONDEN Rights and Infringement Policy


By using our services, you understand and agree to ONDEN’s rights and infringement policy.

  • If any violation or breach of the Terms of Service, ONDEN has the right to limit or prohibit access to our service and/or amend or delete your user account without prior notification
  • Serious cases of violation of these Terms of Service may result in legal action.
  • ONDEN has the right to report any unlawful or threatening conduct.
  • ONDEN has the right to change and remove any content considered unlawful, offensive, defamatory, abusive or undignified without prior notification.


13 Disclaimers


ONDEN and its staff shall have no liability for claims by, or damages of any kind whatsoever to, a user of this application or any other person for a decision or action taken in reliance on the information contained on this application. Such damages include, without limitation, direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages.


14 Liability


ONDEN and its staff shall have no liability for claims by, or damages of any kind whatsoever to, a user of this application or any other person for a decision or action taken in reliance on the information contained on this Website. Such damages include, without limitation, direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages.


ONDEN is not liable for any responsibility for any loss, disruption or damage to your data or your computer system which may occur whilst use the services.


By agreeing to these terms and services, you accept any additional disclaimers and limitations to our liability provided for the individual services we offer.


ONDEN does not accept responsibility for any actions carried out by you as a result of information or views expressed by ONDEN as part of the services. Although all information is given with the best of intentions, you should not rely on advice received on the website and should obtain professional advice where necessary.


15 Third Parties

Some third-party services may be utilized by ONDEN to provide the services. Such third-party services are governed by their own terms and privacy policies. As such, we are not responsible for the operation and information practices of third-parties used to implement or improve our services, and by using our services you agree to the terms and privacy policy of these third-parties.

Where the App contains links to third-party websites, these links are provided for your information only. Such links should not be interpreted as approval by ONDEN of those linked websites or information you may obtain from them. We have no control over the contents of these third-party services or websites.


16 Governing Law


These Terms of Service, their subject matter and their formation (and any non-contractual disputes or claims), are governed by Japanese law. You and we both agree that the courts of Japan will have exclusive jurisdiction.


17 Booking, changing, and canceling the lessons


The student must submit the lesson 1 day prior to the lesson.


When the students book the lessons, the lessons will be automatically booked depending on how many coins the students have bought.


When the student wishes to change the lesson, s/he needs to do so 1 day prior to the lesson and the student can change for one-week period.


The booking will be done when the new booking is shown on the application.


When the teacher wishes to change the lesson schedule, s/he can send a change request until 1 hour prior to the previously booked lesson time to the student.


The student can either 1) accepts the new booking time 1 minute prior to the lesson, 2) accepts to send a recording and do so, or 3) chooses to cancel the lesson 1 minute prior to the requested lesson time.


When the student accepts the newly booked lesson, the lesson will be done on that new time, and the coin will move from the student to a teacher.


When the student accepts the recording lesson, s/he will send the recording  just before choosing to send a recording, and one coin moves from the student to the teacher.


The teacher will request the student with his/her wished schedule for the new booking, and the student cannot negotiate the schedule.


When the student chooses to cancel the lesson, the student will not loose a coin for that lesson.


If the student does not answer to the change request 1 minute prior to the requested time, the lesson will be automatically canceled and the coin does not move.


The students cannot choose to cancel the lessons that they have already booked, but they can change the lessons to a recording lesson. When the student wishes to change the lesson to send a recording, s/he can do so within 24 hours of the booked lesson. ( ex: if you have booked a lesson from July 1st 8:00AM, you can choose to send a recording until July 2nd 7:59AM ) When the students have recording lessons, coins will move from the students to the teachers same as the normal lessons.


18 When the coins move when they don't


Under these three conditions, the coins remain with the students

1)The lesson was given less than four minutes because of the teachers fault.

2)The teacher requested the change of the schedule and the student chose to cancel it.

3)The student couldn't get more than four minutes lesson because of the application or the company's fault.


Under these five conditions, the coins will move from the students to the teachers


1)When the company couldn't make sure that it's the teacher's sides' faults.

2)When the student was late for the lesson or left the class early.

3)When the student forgot to take the lesson and didn't send the recording within 24hours.

4)When the student didn't take the lesson and sent a recording within 24 hours.

5)When the student couldn't take the lesson because of the students' sides' fault.





19 Indemnification


If we make a request to you, you agree to defend, indemnify and leave us alone from all liabilities, attorney fees, claims and expenses or whatsoever that occur from your use or misuse of the services. We reserve the right that in any circumstances you will cooperate with us and provide true and honest information.


20 Assignment


ONDEN shall be entitled to assign, transfer, mortgage, charge, subcontract, declare a trust of or deal in any other manner with any or all of its rights and obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent of the user.

The user shall not be entitled to assign, transfer, mortgage, charge, subcontract, declare a trust of or deal in any other manner with any or all of its rights and obligations under this agreement, unless otherwise agreed in writing by ONDEN.


21 Miscellaneous


Users agree to any terms and conditions shown on the application. You agree not to sell or resell, reproduce, duplicate, copy or use for any part of our services for any commercial purposes without our permission.

Any failure by us to enforce or exercise any provision of these Terms of Service or Services shall not constitute a waiver of that right or whatsoever. Please use our Services responsibly.

We reserve the right to alter these Terms of Service, though when altering the Terms, ONDEN will provide a notice informing users of the change to these conditions and assume that continued use of the service as acceptance of those changes.

If any provision of this agreement is judged to be illegal or unenforceable, the continuation in full force and effect of the remainder of the provisions shall not be prejudiced.

These Terms of Service contain the whole agreement between you and ONDEN relating to its subject matter and supersede all prior agreements, arrangements and understandings between the parties relating to that subject matter.


22 Procedure for changing and cancelling a booking


Under the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulation 2000 you the consumer have the legal right to cancel the contract between you and Enjoy Online Courses during the period of 14 days from date of the issue of the confirmation invoice, which is when the contract starts. This is known as the “cooling off period”. If you decide to cancel the course within this cooling off period then you must inform us within the 14 days of the confirmation invoice. Once we receive your written cancellation, in form of an email we will refund your course fees within 30 days


Once you have completed the cooling off period of 14 days you will be under the full cancellation conditions of courses which are 100% non-refundable.


If you consume one coin, you will be deemed to have started the course and will no longer be able to get a full refund, even if it within the 14-day period.


23 Contact Us


Feel free to ask us any question if you have by

e-mail info@englishschooledu.com






Privacy Policy for ONDEN


At ONDEN, one of our main priorities is the privacy of our visitors. This Privacy Policy document contains types of information that is collected and recorded by ONDEN and how we use it.If you have additional questions or require more information about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us.


This Privacy Policy applies only to our activities in application and is valid for visitors to our application. With regards to the information that they shared and/or collect in ONDEN. This policy is not applicable to any information collected offline or via channels other than this application.



By using our website, you hereby consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to its terms.

Information we collect

The personal information that you are asked to provide, and the reasons why you are asked to provide it, will be made clear to you at the point we ask you to provide your personal information.

If you contact us directly, we may receive additional information about you such as your name, email address, phone number, the contents of the message and/or attachments you may send us, and any other information you may choose to provide.

When you register for an Account, we may ask for your contact information, including items such as name, address, email address, and telephone number.

How we use your information

We use the information we collect in various ways, including to:

  • Provide, operate, and maintain our service
  • Improve, personalize, and expand our service
  • Understand and analyze how you use our service
  • Develop new products, services, features, and functionality
  • Communicate with you, either directly or through one of our partners, including for customer service, to provide you with updates and other information relating to the application, and for marketing and promotional purposes
  • Send you emails
  • Find and prevent fraud


Third Party Privacy Policies

ONDEN's Privacy Policy does not apply to other advertisers or websites. Thus, we are advising you to consult the respective Privacy Policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information. It may include their practices and instructions about how to opt-out of certain options.

You can choose to disable cookies through your individual browser options. To know more detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers, it can be found at the browsers' respective websites.

CCPA Privacy Rights (Do Not Sell My Personal Information)

Under the CCPA, among other rights, California consumers have the right to:

Request that a business that collects a consumer's personal data disclose the categories and specific pieces of personal data that a business has collected about consumers.

Request that a business delete any personal data about the consumer that a business has collected.

Request that a business that sells a consumer's personal data, not sell the consumer's personal data.

If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us.

GDPR Data Protection Rights

We would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. Every user is entitled to the following:

The right to access – You have the right to request copies of your personal data. We may charge you a small fee for this service.

The right to rectification – You have the right to request that we correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request that we complete the information you believe is incomplete.

The right to erasure – You have the right to request that we erase your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to restrict processing – You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to object to processing – You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to data portability – You have the right to request that we transfer the data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us.

Children's Information

Another part of our priority is adding protection for children while using the internet. We encourage parents and guardians to observe, participate in, and/or monitor and guide their online activity.

ONDEN does not knowingly collect any Personal Identifiable Information from children under the age of 13. If you think that your child provided this kind of information on our website, we strongly encourage you to contact us immediately and we will do our best efforts to promptly remove such information from our records.